As a responsible family company, Avieta strives continuously
to reduce its ecological footprint.
Throughout our production cycle, everything is done to reduce production waste,
energy consumption and water consumption as much as possible.
Inherent or unavoidable waste is sorted and recycled.
Our teams work continuously to reduce our ecological footprint by investing in a series of new technologies:

Installation of solar panels, LED lighting, energy audit of the bakeries for optimized energy consumption and recovery, accurate measurement of the consumption of each production line, etc.
Optimization of production to reduce waste from ingredients, finished products and packaging.

Waste water
Our own water treatment plant to optimize cleaning cycles and therefore reduce our water consumption by as much as possible.
While taking hygiene standards into consideration, we sometimes use recycled packaging and sometimes recyclable packaging.

90% of our raw materials and our packaging comes from suppliers less than 200Â km away from our bakeries.
Optimization of logistics flow, with our commercial partners and between our sites, to reduce our carbon footprint. We use alternative means of transport, such as Trilogiport (road, water, rail), as much as possible to reduce our carbon footprint.